6th Issue of the Bulletin "On the Road to Quality"
In the sixth issue of the
bulletin On the Road to Quality Improvement, we have reflected on the process of school development. There are
reflections here on how to balance stability with change, how to find possibilities of improving the quality of one's
own work and how to implement these possibilities. Two experienced headmasters of secondary schools shared their
experience of what is essential for the development of schools. They both agreed that the key to quality is the
quality of teachers. We offer for use a variety of evaluation tools that help teachers and headmaster with individual
evaluation of the work and development of teachers and senior teachers. Some of them can be found in the Annex. In
the conclusion, you will learn about what is new in the project, and at the same time the lead project manager
evaluates activities before the end of the project.
5th Issue of the Bulletin "On the Road to Quality"
In the fifth issue of
the bulletin On the Road to Quality Improvement, we examined the next phase of self-evaluation, in which the
self-evaluation report is generated. There are reflections here on the meaning and function of the self-evaluation
report, on the process of its creation and on the structure of the self-evaluation report. Also, headmasters of two
primary schools shared their experience of creating reports on school self-evaluation. This issue also addressed the
question of whether, with whom, and how to communicate the results of self-evaluation. We also deal with the issue of
legislative changes. We also offer practical opportunities for ascertaining the climate of the school or class, and
we also introduce questionnaires for teachers, students and parents, which can be found in the Annex. You will also
learn what new has been happening in the project and will happen and what tools and other outputs can already be
4th Issue of the Bulletin "On the
Road to Quality"
In the fourth issue of the
bulletin On the Road to Quality, we addressed another phase of self-evaluation - processing data and information,
analyzing results and interpretation thereof. This theme appears in a number of articles; you can read, for example,
about how a school can best exploit the data collected. We also contemplate the fact that when interpreting data we
work not only with the data, but also with people, and what the results might mean. We will also offer you practical
examples of evaluation and interpretation of data. We also deal with the issue of legislative changes and what new is
happening in some activities of the project - now we have focused on the work of self-evaluation consultants who have
worked directly in schools since November 2010. We will invite you to workshops in the upcoming school year as well
as to our final conference. Last but not least, we will offer you an evaluation tool called Surveys for parents,
pupils and teachers.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
3rd Issue of the Bulletin "On the Road to Quality"
In the third issue of the On the road to Quality bulletin, we focused on the choice of tools, methods and techniques. This theme goes through many contributions and you will learn for example how is it possible to approach the gathering of information, what are the advantages and pitfalls of the most often used methods and how to choose the methods. We will think about what the testing of the results of pupils‘ education could and couldn’t bring us and what are its dangers. We will also deal with the question of how to recognize the quality of evaluation tools and think about what would the change of legislation in the area of self/evaluation, which is being prepared, mean. We will have opportunity to read more interesting articles about the activities we offer you and the experience of your colleagues in the area of self-evaluation. And last but not least – we offer you a unique tool – the framework for the self-evaluation of school.
Monday, 13 December 2010
2nd Issue of the Bulletin "On the Road to Quality"
After the first issue, which reported on the new project, we would like to dedicate another
issue of our newsletter to the various stages of the self-evaluation process. The second issue of the bulletin is
focused on the initial phase of self-evaluation: an analysis of the current status, plan for self-evaluation and
selection of criteria and indicators. The theme penetrates in various forms a number of contributions, be it the
professional articles or those dealing with experience of the school headmasters.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
1st Issue of the Bulletin "On the Road to the Quality"
The Bulletin
deals with various issues and aspects of the implementation of school self-assessment. We welcome you to the first
issue of the bulletin of the national project Road to Quality Improvement, designed to help schools in their
self-evaluation processes. We will meet on this journey together twice a year for three years. About 500 schools have
signed up to direct participation in some of the project activity, but we would like the rest of you to find
something useful for yourselves and inspiration for assessment of your school in the bulletin. In making it, we used
your requests and suggestions from the project questionnaire published in Ucitelske noviny newspapers as well as
other studies.
Monday, 14 December 2009