Pupils School Achievement Motivation Questionnaire (MV-9)
Good School – Prioritizing Tool for Schools
Pupils' Attitudes Questionnaire
Anticipation and Analysis of People’s Expected Reactions to Change
Teachers and Students Interaction Questionnaire
Foreign Language Learning Strategies Questionnaire
Teaching Staff Climate Questionnaire
Framework School Self-evaluation
Teaching Children to Learn (Observational Form)
360 Degree Feedback for School Middle Management
Involving ICT in School Life – School21 Profile
Analysis of the Internet Presentation of the School
Surveys for Parents
Graduates Group Audit
Classroom Climate
School Documentation Analysis
What forms and methods do we teach with? (Observational Form)
Formal and Informal education of Elementary School Pupils of the Primary Education
Surveys for Teachers
Surveys for Pupils
We understand well the results of testing
School Climate
The risks and weaknesses of school life through the eyes of children – preventing behavioural problems in school
Advisory Role of the School
Feedback by Graduates and Companies
Readiness of the School to Inclusive Education
Novice Teacher
Experienced Teacher
Mapping the Curriculum Objectives
Observational Form for Vocational Training