About us

The mission of the National Institute for Education, Education Counselling Centre and Centre for Continuing Education of Teachers (NÚV) is to enhance in various ways the continuing development of a general, vocational, art and linguistic education, and to support schools in the area of their pedagogical-psychological, educational and career counselling, as well as in the methodology used in the continuing education of teachers. All these services emphasize a general focus on lifelong education while maintaining close cooperation with the EU.

  •  We are responsible for the development of national curricula, we also help schools with creating their own educational programmes and their implementation.
  • We not only focus on initial education at schools, but also on adult education courses.
  • We emphasize innovative methods of teaching, an individual approach to each student and a general modernization of schools.
  • We work in the area of certifying qualifications and the issues concerning their acceptance not only in the Czech Republic, but also in the European Union.
  • The communication among the creators of the educational programs, social partners, school deputies and other important institutions is supported by the project called Field Groups, functioning under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
  • We focus on the situation of  those students who are in some manner disadvantaged. We strive to facilitate equal access to education and to support the necessary means for guidance and counselling.
  • We monitor the transition of graduates from schools to the labour market, the rate of their unemployment, whether they work within their fields of study, what motivates them towards enhancing their qualifications, and how successful they are in tertiary education. The institute also monitors the employers' expectations regarding the graduates' abilities and we propose changes in the education that could help graduates to be more successful on the labour market..
  • We offer both general and comprehensive information about schools and offered fields of education to both experts  and the general public as well.
  • We monitor the quality of the offered education and of the graduates, for instance by implementing a new final examination for students of secondary vocational school. We also strive to raise the students' level of literacy.
  • The National Institute for Education focuses on pedagogical-psychological, educational and career guidance and counselling, as well as on initial prevention of risk behaviour, while constantly working to raise the quality of these services. We monitor qualifications and competencies of workers providing education and school counselling services and, based on these findings, we foster the development of programmes. 
  • Our organization implements a wide range of projects supported by the European Social Fund. Thanks to the help of the European Union, it has become possible to modernize the Czech educational system easier than before.


The National Institute for Education was founded on July 1st, 2011 by merging following three institutions run directly by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports: the National Institute of Technical and Vocational Education (NÚOV), the Research Institute of Education (VÚP), and the Czech Institute for  Educational-Psychological Guidance (IPPP ČR).