Standards for quality childcare were developed after more than two years of activities carried out by a
working group and a wider consultation forum. These standards were endorsed on 23. 3. 2015 as a Guideline of the
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(Guideline No. MSMT-5805/2015 on Setting Standards of Quality Childcare in Educational Facilities Providing
Institutional Care or Protective Care in Educational Facilities for Preventive Educational Care). The content of
published standards is in accordance with this guideline.
Standards for quality childcare define the basic criteria for the quality of care and also indicate the future development of the quality of provided services. Standards give answers to the important question: “What should the care in facilities look like?” They are based on up to date scientific knowledge and knowledge gained from practical experience. They can be used in a wide range of institutional facilities (children's home, children’s home with school, diagnostic facility, youth detention centres, educational care centres). Standards do not intend to unify and develop a standardized childcare, they do not specify particular educational methods and procedures. Every facility can create and develop their own approaches used within the childcare, thanks to the structure of the standards.