The system of pedagogical-psychological counselling is in the Czech Republic formed by education counselling facilities (e.g. pedagogical-psychological counselling centres and special pedagogical centres) and school counselling departments.
Counselling services are provided also by centres of educational care. They have not gained a status of an education counselling facility yet, but they act as an integral part of facilities for institutional or protective education.
The Department for the Development of Diagnostic and Intervention Instruments by NÚV deals with the development and publishing of psychological, special pedagogical as well as pedagogic, diagnostic and intervention instruments; it provides guidelines to education counselling facilities and school counselling departments; carries out researches and surveys with the focus on the psychodiagnostic in praxis and particular diagnostic methods.
- We publish and distribute diagnostic methods and professional publications;
- we work in close cooperation with practitioners on data acquisition within the standardisation and the research;
- we publish the results of the surveys and researches in the area of diagnostic;
- we guarantee from the professional point of view the quality of courses with the focus on the usage of diagnostic methods;
- we offer help to authors of diagnostic methods by publishing their methods;
- we map instruments used in the counselling practice and the level of the usage of the diagnostic methods in pedagogical-psychological counselling centres, special pedagogical centres and school counselling departments;
- we evaluate validity of diagnostic instruments;
- we work on re-standardisation, adaptation and the development of diagnostic methods;
- we methodically support facilities responsible for diagnosing children with special education needs;
- we cooperate with the representatives of professional associations at both national and international level;
- we analyse diagnostic and interventional instruments published abroad;
- we arrange conditions needed for the transfer of methods into the Czech environment, communicate with publishers of tests, centres and professionals.